Come and join us for our annual Great Pumpkin Craft! Bring your families to paint and carve our pumpkins and get into that Halloween spirit! Pumpkins will be provided one per family, while supplies last. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¡Ven y acompañanos en nuestra Gran Artesanía de Calabazas...
Learn to play the world's most popular role playing game AND meet new friends along the way. 2 sessions in one weekend. Safe space for LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC. Adult groups 18+ Limited spots. Sign up today by contacting the Glenwood Springs Branch Library at 970-945-5958. ...
¡Venid, valientes aventureros! Grandes misterios y secretos se esconden dentro de la gran biblioteca-fortaleza de Candlekeep, ¡y a ti se te ha encomendado la tarea de encontrarlos! Esta aventura es más adecuada para mayores de 12 años, pero se pueden hacer adaptaciones si algún niño aventurero desea...
Learn to play the world's most popular role playing game AND meet new friends along the way. 2 sessions in one weekend. Safe space for LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC. Teens 13-17 Limited spots. Sign up today by contacting the Glenwood Springs Branch Library at 970-945-5958. Times...
¡Únete a nuestro club de crochet local, una comunidad vibrante unida por una pasión compartida por el crochet! Estamos emocionados de asociarnos con "Crazy Hookers" para ofrecer un espacio acogedor para que todos, desde profesionales experimentados hasta principiantes curiosos, aprendan, compartan y se apoyen mutuamente. Nuestro grupo se reúne para...
Learn to play the world's most popular role playing game AND meet new friends along the way. 2 sessions in one weekend. Safe space for LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC. Teens 13-17 Limited spots. Sign up today by contacting the Glenwood Springs Branch Library at 970-945-5958. Times...
Roderick O'Connor from the Aspen Police Department will teach a self-protection class for women. The class will cover staying centered, getting out of various holds, strikes for counterattacks, and more. Ages 15+ only. Space is limited and registration is required. Please wear attire that is...
Padres y/o Cuidadores de Niños(as) de 0 a 5 años de edad: Acompáñenos a disfrutar de cuentos, canciones y actividades en español como parte del programa "Bolsitas Rojas" de Raising a Reader. También podrán llevar prestada una bolsa roja con libros cada semana. ¡Los esperamos!...
Pick up a free Take and Make craft kit from the library! Kits will be handed out during normal library hours to those present who are within the specific age group (while supplies last). August 19: Adults 18+ September 23: Tweens 10-12 October 21: Teens...