Nuestros talleres cubrirán temas esenciales como estrategias de ahorro, consejos de presupuesto para ingresos bajos y el uso de aplicaciones para realizar un seguimiento de sus finanzas. También destacaremos los recursos locales que pueden ayudar a mejorar su bienestar financiero.
All are welcome to join Burt Oglesby to practice Tai Chi twice a week at the Glenwood Springs Branch Library. There will be sessions from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and also from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays. The first Saturday of the...
I CHOOSE YOU! Kids, bring your friends and meet new friends while playing Pokémon! Card exchange, Pokémon game, and one free card set for anyone who does not have their own.
Join us for a vibrant celebration filled with face painting, a Catrin and Catrina costume contest (with prizes for the winner!), and delicious traditional treats like bread, tamales, and beverages. Let’s come together to honor and celebrate our loved ones in style! Don’t miss out...
Join the Garfield County Libraries and The Human Library Project as we host a presentation geared towards experiencing a different life perspective through conversation. The library is happy to host The Human Library Project at our Glenwood Springs location on Sunday October 27th from 10:00am...
Padres y/o Cuidadores de Niños(as) de 0 a 5 años de edad: Acompáñenos a disfrutar de cuentos, canciones y actividades en español como parte del programa "Bolsitas Rojas" de Raising a Reader. También podrán llevar prestada una bolsa roja con libros cada semana. ¡Los esperamos!...
Padres y/o Cuidadores de Niños(as) e hijos de 0-5 años de edad, acompáñenos para disfrutar de cuentos y actividades en español. Los participantes pueden formar parte del programa “Bolsitas Rojas” de Raising A Reader, y llevar prestada una bolsa con libros cada semana.
Come and join us for our annual Great Pumpkin Craft! Bring your families to paint and carve our pumpkins and get into that Halloween spirit! Pumpkins will be provided one per family, while supplies last. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¡Ven y acompañanos en nuestra Gran Artesanía de Calabazas...
Join us for a knitting and crocheting group to hang out, chat, share tips, and to meet other folks who fancy the craft needles! Bring whatever project(s) you are working on - all ability levels are welcome. We will share our knowledge and experience. Feel...
Local book lovers are invited to join our book club where we’ll explore a broad range of genres and topics, including fiction and non-fiction. Join anytime, and find out what we are reading this month by calling or by asking at the front desk.