This year we have set a challenge of reading 1,000 minutes per participant as well as a community challenge of one million minutes. Every time you read you help meet those challenges and help us reach our goals!
You can use Beanstack to track reading, earn badges, and participate in extra fun. You can signup and participate online or with the Beanstack app from the Google Play store or Apple Store.
No matter how you participate, you’ll be eligible for prizes which include stickers, books, charms, prize chest items, build-your-own-plushies, and more. Each time you read 250 minutes you complete a level, and each level opens up a new prize option for kids and teens. Once you read 1,000 minutes you complete the reading challenge and are eligible for one of the grand prizes! This year there will be a grand prize winner at each library for ages 0-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-17, and 18+. Winners get a prize basket filled with a unique blend of items.
All major children’s events (except for the foam parties) will follow this schedule:
Tuesdays at 1 pm in Glenwood Springs
Tuesdays at 4 pm in Carbondale
Wednesdays at 11 am in New Castle
Wednesdays at 2 pm in Silt
Thursdays at 11 am in Parachute
Thursdays at 2 pm in Rifle
June 3 – 5
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June 10 – 12
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June 17 – 19
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June 24 – 26
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July 1 – 3
Celebrate the 4th of July and our Summer Reading Challenge with an ice cream social.
July 8 – 10*
Ann Lincoln will provide an all out blast of fun with a foam cannon at each of our libraries for the whole family to enjoy.
*This week’s events will be held on the same day for each branch, but will begin at slightly different times. The first events each day will start 30 minutes earlier than normal, and the second events each day will begin 30 minutes later than normal.
July 15 – 17
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July 22 – 24
We are excited to bring back the popular Mr. Kneel who will provide a beatbox and hip hop workshop for families.
July 29 – 31
Enjoy a bilingual storytime and yoga adventure with kid-friendly yoga poses, mindfulness, and breathing.
August 5 – 7
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