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Event Series Tai Chi en la biblioteca

Tai Chi en la biblioteca

Sucursal de la biblioteca de Glenwood Springs 815 Cooper Avenue, Glenwood Springs

Todos son bienvenidos a unirse a Burt Oglesby para practicar Tai Chi dos veces por semana en la biblioteca sucursal de Glenwood Springs. Las sesiones serán los miércoles de 17.30 a 18.30 horas y los sábados también de 9.30 a 10.30 horas. El primer sábado del...

The Great Pumpkin Craft!/ La Gran Artesania de Calabazas

Sucursal de la biblioteca de New Castle 402 West Main Street, Castillo nuevo

Come and join us for our annual Great Pumpkin Craft! Bring your families to paint and carve our pumpkins and get into that Halloween spirit! Pumpkins will be provided one per family, while supplies last. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¡Ven y acompañanos en nuestra Gran Artesanía de Calabazas...

Event Series Cuentos bilingües

Cuentos bilingües

Sucursal de la biblioteca de Carbondale 320 Avenida Sopris, Carbondale

Recommended for children ages 3 and older and their parents/caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and crafts in Spanish and English.

Unite Against Book Bans

Please join us for the celebration of the First Amendment freedom to read during the Garfield County Public Library District’s “Unite Against Book Bans” rally! This event is for all ages and children are encouraged to dress up as their favorite character from a book....

Unite against book bans

On October 19, 2024, the Garfield County Public Library District will host a Unite Against Book Bans rally at Centennial Park in Glenwood Springs. The event will run from 11 a.m. to noon. Children are welcome--and are in fact encouraged to dress up as their...

Fall Teen Art Fair

Sucursal de la biblioteca de Glenwood Springs 815 Cooper Avenue, Glenwood Springs

Join us for a teen art fair! Explore various booths of arts and crafts and support local teen artists in our community, It’s free to attend and it’s free to have a booth. We encourage you to bring cash for purchases. If you are a...

The Great Pumpkin Craft!/ La Gran Artesania de Calabazas

Biblioteca de rama de limo 680 Home Avenue, limo

Come and join us for our annual Great Pumpkin Craft! Bring your families to paint and carve our pumpkins and get into that Halloween spirit! Pumpkins will be provided one per family, while supplies last. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¡Ven y acompañanos en nuestra Gran Artesanía de Calabazas...

Dragones y mazmorras: aventuras en Candelero

Sucursal de la biblioteca de Glenwood Springs 815 Cooper Avenue, Glenwood Springs

¡Venid, valientes aventureros! Grandes misterios y secretos se esconden dentro de la gran biblioteca-fortaleza de Candlekeep, ¡y a ti se te ha encomendado la tarea de encontrarlos! Esta aventura es más adecuada para mayores de 12 años, pero se pueden hacer adaptaciones si algún niño aventurero desea...