¡Únete a nuestras divertidas clases de Zumba con Alejandra los Martes en la Biblioteca de Rifle. Con la energía contagiosa y buen ritmo latino de nuestra instructora Alejandra. Estamos listos para tonificar nuestros cuerpos, así que hagámoslo juntos en la Biblioteca de Rifle. Si Se...
Toddlers and Preschoolers: Bring your grown-up to the library! We’ll burn some energy with active play and work on large motor skills! Balancing • Jumping • Running • Crawling • Dancing • Throwing
Learn python (the most useful coding language) in a fun, engaging, and casual environment. You will be amazed at how fast you learn and how much you can create. Perfect for 8th-10th grade and any experience level. This course is led by Baker Casagrande, an...
Your local library invites you to join friends and neighbors to play Lotería. This traditional Mexican game of chance is similar to bingo. We will provide drinks, snacks and prizes. It’s fun for the whole family!
If you love browsing through cookbooks and trying new techniques - then hang on to your spatula! We pick the cookbook. You pick and make a recipe to share with the group. Registration is required. Call 970-285-9870 or stop by for this month’s cookbook selection...