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Coexistence Works: Protecting Livestock and Wolves with Nonlethal Coexistence Methods

Suzanne Asha Stone and Dallas Gudgel from International Wildlife Coexistence Network will provide their expert interdisciplinary assistance, training, collaboration, and shared research to enable communities to coexist with wildlife. Thursday, October 3 6 pm at the Silt Branch Library Friday, October 4 2:30 pm at...

Rifle Branch Library

Coexistence Works: Protecting Livestock and Wolves with Nonlethal Coexistence Methods

Suzanne Asha Stone and Dallas Gudgel from International Wildlife Coexistence Network will provide their expert interdisciplinary assistance, training, collaboration, and shared research to enable communities to coexist with wildlife. Thursday, October 3 6 pm at the Silt Branch Library Friday, October 4 2:30 pm at...

Parachute Branch Library

Tai Chi at the Library

All are welcome to join Burt Oglesby to practice Tai Chi twice a week at the Glenwood Springs Branch Library. There will be sessions from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and also from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays. The first Saturday of the...

Event Series Tai Chi at the Library
Glenwood Springs Branch Library

Coexistence Works: Protecting Livestock and Wolves with Nonlethal Coexistence Methods

Suzanne Asha Stone and Dallas Gudgel from International Wildlife Coexistence Network will provide their expert interdisciplinary assistance, training, collaboration, and shared research to enable communities to coexist with wildlife. Thursday, October 3 6 pm at the Silt Branch Library Friday, October 4 2:30 pm at...

New Castle Branch Library

Sound Immersion

Ildi Ingraham will present a Sound Immersion. Experience deep peace and bliss as you listen to the healing sounds of crystal and metal singing bowls, gong, and chimes. Please bring a mat, pillow, blanket, and anything else to be very comfortable. We will begin as...

Event Series Sound Immersion
Carbondale Branch Library

Coexistence Works: Protecting Livestock and Wolves with Nonlethal Coexistence Methods

Suzanne Asha Stone and Dallas Gudgel from International Wildlife Coexistence Network will provide their expert interdisciplinary assistance, training, collaboration, and shared research to enable communities to coexist with wildlife. Thursday, October 3 6 pm at the Silt Branch Library Friday, October 4 2:30 pm at...

Glenwood Springs Branch Library

Crochet Corner

Join our local Crochet Club, a vibrant community brought together by a shared passion for crocheting! We’re excited to partner with "Crazy Hookers" to offer a welcoming space for everyone—from seasoned pros to curious beginners—to learn, share, and support each other. Our group meets for...

Event Series Crochet Corner
Rifle Branch Library

Club de Bolsitas Rojas

Padres y/o Cuidadores de Niños(as) de 0 a 5 años de edad:  Acompáñenos a disfrutar de cuentos, canciones y actividades en español como parte del programa "Bolsitas Rojas" de Raising a Reader.  También podrán llevar prestada una bolsa roja con libros cada semana.  ¡Los esperamos!...

Event Series Bolsitas Rojas
Silt Branch Library

Nature Exploration & Storytime/ Hora de cuento sobre la exploración de la naturaleza

Join us for a free Nature Exploration and Storytime featuring the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies.  We will read a story about fall and press apples to make cinder!  Best suited for children ages 1-5.  Spanish translation provided.   Acompáñenos para una hora de cuento...

Glenwood Springs Branch Library

Club de Bolsitas Rojas

Padres y/o Cuidadores de Niños(as) e hijos de 0-5 años de edad, acompáñenos para disfrutar de cuentos y actividades en español. Los participantes pueden formar parte del programa “Bolsitas Rojas” de Raising A Reader, y llevar prestada una bolsa con libros cada semana.

Event Series Club de Bolsitas Rojas
Carbondale Branch Library