Free Comic Book Giveaway
Pick up a free comic book (while supplies last) when you arrive!
Location: Library Entrance
Cosplay Drawing
Wear cosplay to the Comics Festival and enter your name in our ticket drawing. We’ll give away a prize to those in the kids, teens, and adults categories.
Location: Main Library
Open Crafts
We’ll have an assortmet of crafts and button making.
Location: Conference Room
VR Lounge
Location: Teen Area
Tech Corner
We’ll have 3D printers, VR racing, and tech toys.
Location: Fireplace
Magic the Gathering Tournament
The tournament will run until 2 pm. Registration will be held at the start of the day with a maximum of 16 participants.
Location: Classroom
Super Hero Storytime
Young children and their families are invited to listen to superhero stories read by the folks from Raising A Reader.
Location: Community Room
Star Wars 501st Legion
Members of the Star Wars 501st Legion will be at the library from 1 to 5 pm!
Location: Main Library
Building Hovercrafts
Representatives from the Aspen Science Center will lead the build.
Location: Community Room
Smash Bros Tournament
Location: Classroom
Comics and Cosplay for Everyone
Join Brian Weller and learn to connect your favorite comic book and cartoon characters to consuming.
Location: Community Room
Dungeons & Dragons Oneshot
We’ll enjoy a mini campaign from 3 to 6 pm.
Location: Classroom