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Crochet Corner

Join our local Crochet Club, a vibrant community brought together by a shared passion for crocheting! We’re excited to partner with "Crazy Hookers" to offer a welcoming space for everyone—from seasoned pros to curious beginners—to learn, share, and support each other. Our group meets for...

Event Series Crochet Corner
Rifle Branch Library

Consulado Mexicano Movil en la Biblioteca de Rifle ( Mobile Mexican Consulate at the Rifle Library)

El consulado de Mexico estará en nuestra Biblioteca de Rifle el Sabado 21 y 22 de Septiembre ofreciendo tramites de Pasaportes, Matriculas Consulares(MCAS), Credencial de elector y actas de nacimiento. Citas disponibles desde el 18 de Septiembre a las 5:00 pm ** Recomendamos programar su...

Rifle Branch Library

Club de Bolsitas Rojas

Padres y/o Cuidadores de Niños(as) de 0 a 5 años de edad:  Acompáñenos a disfrutar de cuentos, canciones y actividades en español como parte del programa "Bolsitas Rojas" de Raising a Reader.  También podrán llevar prestada una bolsa roja con libros cada semana.  ¡Los esperamos!...

Event Series Bolsitas Rojas
Silt Branch Library

Fall Take & Make Craft Kits

Pick up a free Take and Make craft kit from the library! Kits will be handed out during normal library hours to those present who are within the specific age group (while supplies last). August 19: Adults 18+ September 23: Tweens 10-12 October 21: Teens...

Event Series Fall Take & Make Craft Kits
New Castle Branch Library

Club de Bolsitas Rojas

Padres y/o Cuidadores de Niños(as) e hijos de 0-5 años de edad, acompáñenos para disfrutar de cuentos y actividades en español. Los participantes pueden formar parte del programa “Bolsitas Rojas” de Raising A Reader, y llevar prestada una bolsa con libros cada semana.

Event Series Club de Bolsitas Rojas
Carbondale Branch Library


Kids and teens are invited to join us at the library and participate in experiments, makerspace, games, crafts, movies, and more!

Event Series SPARK
Parachute Branch Library

In Stitches Knitting Club

Join us for a knitting and crocheting group to hang out, chat, share tips, and to meet other folks who fancy the craft needles! Bring whatever project(s) you are working on - all ability levels are welcome. We will share our knowledge and experience. Feel...

Event Series In Stitches Knitting Club
Carbondale Branch Library

Teen Book Club

Teen book lovers are invited to join the club to enjoy good books with friends. Each month we’ll meet for a book discussion, snacks, and to help decide what we’ll read next month.

Event Series Teen Book Club
Parachute Branch Library

Madness Mondays

Come hang out and have fun with your friends! We will have art projects, music, games, and more geared for teens in middle and high school.

Event Series Madness Mondays
Rifle Branch Library

English in Action: Open Hours

This drop-in style class meets in-person weekly with the support of volunteer tutors to offer informal English conversation practice opportunities. English In Action provides resources, and participants are also encouraged to come with questions and ideas for practice. For learners, the class is free and...

Carbondale Branch Library