Computer Basics for Seniors
Learn about programs like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, how to set up 2-Factor Authentication, how to recover your email password, and more in this hands-on class for seniors. Let us help you understand your computer!
Learn about programs like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, how to set up 2-Factor Authentication, how to recover your email password, and more in this hands-on class for seniors. Let us help you understand your computer!
Young children and their accompanying adults are invited to the library every week for stories, activities, and music with friends!
Young children and their accompanying adults are invited to the library every week for stories, activities, and music with friends!
Join other parents for support, advice, or just to talk. We're only human; we need each other. Parents are under all kind of stress trying to raise kids to reach their full potential. it's a lot pressure - no one can do it alone. Drop-ins...
This monthly book club will focus on local authors and titles of local historical significance. Books can be obtained at the Grand Valley Historical Society and the Garfield County Libraries. The book club is free and open to all adults. Light refreshments will be served....
Your Glenwood Library invites you to participate in a free 45 minute strength training class for older adults. Geri-Fit exercises will lead to improved strength, endurance, and flexibility that will enhance daily activities. The class meets every Tuesday and Friday from October 15th to November...
¡Clases de inglés! Este programa es una colaboración entre CMC y las bibliotecas del condado de Garfield. Cuidado de niños proporcionado. Regístrese por $60 llamando al 970-625-6900. Todos los Martes y Miercoles: 27 de agosto al 13 de noviembre
It’s in our nature to be highly attuned to true crime content, and we instinctively want to discover the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘where’ so we can find out what makes criminals tick, and to better protect ourselves and our kin. But what happens when...