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Basic Computer Classes for Adults /Clases Basicas de Computación para adultos

In this class, Learners are introduced to basic computer functions, including mouse, keyboard, and monitor functions, finding and adjusting settings, and navigating to the internet to complete a basic search. This class is designed for beginners or folks who would like to refresher o computer...

Rifle Branch Library

Baby Storytime

This special storytime for newborns to 1 year will introduce babies and caregivers to practices designed to give them a head start on early literacy. We will read, learn baby sign language, sing, and infant tummy time flash cards,

Event Series Baby Storytime
Carbondale Branch Library


Young children and their accompanying adults are invited to the library every week for stories, activities, and music with friends!

Event Series Storytime
Glenwood Springs Branch Library

Tai Chi for Arthritis

Tai Chi is an effective exercise program involving learning to move through a series of forms that improve balance, flexibility, strength, and mood. This class is for seniors who have limited mobility either through injury or arthritis.

Event Series Tai Chi for Arthritis
Carbondale Branch Library

Libraries Closed for New Year’s Eve

All six branches of the Garfield County Libraries will be closing early on Tuesday, Dec. 31 at 5 p.m. and remain closed on Wednesday, Jan. 1 in celebration of New Year's. You can still browse and request books, movies, and more on our website,,...

All Branches

Holiday Closures at the Libraries

All six branches of the Garfield County Libraries will be closed on Tuesday, Dec. 24 and Wednesday, Dec. 25. The libraries will also be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 1. During the closures, you can still browse and request books as well as download e-books and...

All Branches

Get the Wiggles Out!

Toddlers and Preschoolers: Bring your grown-up to the library! We’ll burn some energy with active play and work on large motor skills! Balancing • Jumping • Running • Crawling • Dancing • Throwing Free

Carbondale Branch Library

Little Red Bag Club

Join your Garfield County Libraries and Raising A Reader for a weekly hour of storytime, activities, and snacks. Our classes support brain development and social skills. For parents and children ages 0-5.

Parachute Branch Library


Young children and their accompanying adults are invited to the library every week for stories, activities, and music with friends!

Event Series Storytime
Rifle Branch Library

Club de Bolsitas Rojas

Padres y/o Cuidadores de Niños(as) e hijos de 0-5 años de edad, acompáñenos para disfrutar de cuentos y actividades en español. Los participantes pueden formar parte del programa “Bolsitas Rojas” de Raising A Reader, y llevar prestada una bolsa con libros cada semana.

Parachute Branch Library