Join us for a knitting and crocheting group to hang out, chat, share tips, and to meet other folks who fancy the craft needles! Bring whatever project(s) you are working on - all ability levels are welcome. We will share our knowledge and experience. Feel...
Come hang out and have fun with your friends! We will have art projects, music, games, and more geared for teens in middle and high school.
¿Alguna vez has soñado con escribir una novela, pero no sabes por dónde empezar? ¡Esta es tu oportunidad! Únete a nuestro curso GRATUITO de escritura creativa en español durante el mes de Noviembre y participa en el reto de NaNoWriMo de escribir una novela completa...
This drop-in style class meets in-person weekly with the support of volunteer tutors to offer informal English conversation practice opportunities. English In Action provides resources, and participants are also encouraged to come with questions and ideas for practice. For learners, the class is free and...
Bilingual Sensory Storytime Join us for a bilingual sensory storytime specially designed for individuals that are neurodiverse or with sensory integration challenges. Every first and third Tuesday of each month.
In this class, Learners are introduced to basic computer functions, including mouse, keyboard, and monitor functions, finding and adjusting settings, and navigating to the internet to complete a basic search. This class is designed for beginners or folks who would like to refresher o computer...
This special storytime for newborns to 1 year will introduce babies and caregivers to practices designed to give them a head start on early literacy. We will read, learn baby sign language, sing, and infant tummy time flash cards,
Learn about programs like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, how to set up 2-Factor Authentication, how to recover your email password, and more in this hands-on class for seniors. Let us help you understand your computer!
Young children and their accompanying adults are invited to the library every week for stories, activities, and music with friends!
Young children and their accompanying adults are invited to the library every week for stories, activities, and music with friends!