Young children and their accompanying adults are invited to the library every week for stories, activities, and music with friends!
This monthly book club will focus on local authors and titles of local historical significance. Books can be obtained at the Grand Valley Historical Society and the Garfield County Libraries. The book club is free and open to all adults. Light refreshments will be served....
Crafting and Scrapbooking Techniques November 8th, 5-7pm Holiday Card Making for adults and teens December 13th, 5-7pm Mommy & Me Memory Keeping Class for parents and children January 10th, 5-7pm Scrapbooking Techniques for adults and teens Angela Shetzer is an experienced crafter and photographer who...
English and Spanish language learners are invited to drop in for a casual conversation at the library. Practice your conversation skills, build your vocabulary, and help each other learn in a warm and supportive environment!
Toddlers and Preschoolers: Bring your grown-up to the library! We’ll burn some energy with active play and work on large motor skills! Balancing • Jumping • Running • Crawling • Dancing • Throwing
Learn python (the most useful coding language) in a fun, engaging, and casual environment. You will be amazed at how fast you learn and how much you can create. Perfect for 8th-10th grade and any experience level. This course is led by Baker Casagrande, an...