Young children and their accompanying adults are invited to the library every week for stories, activities, and music with friends!
This monthly book club will focus on local authors and titles of local historical significance. Books can be obtained at the Grand Valley Historical Society and the Garfield County Libraries. The book club is free and open to all adults. Light refreshments will be served....
¡Únete a nuestras divertidas clases de Zumba con Alejandra los Martes en la Biblioteca de Rifle. Con la energía contagiosa y buen ritmo latino de nuestra instructora Alejandra. Estamos listos para tonificar nuestros cuerpos, así que hagámoslo juntos en la Biblioteca de Rifle. Si Se...
Connect with others in the community as we get together for discussions, presentations, and activities covering topics such as art, history, music, technology, and wellness. Join us once a month for a new activity!
Adults 18 and over are invited to learn how to play the ukulele from local music teacher Jeff Van Devender in an eight-part series at the library. No experience is necessary, but space is limited to twelve and registration is required. All graduates of the...
English and Spanish language learners are invited to drop in for a casual conversation at the library. Practice your conversation skills, build your vocabulary, and help each other learn in a warm and supportive environment!